Sunday, April 25, 2010

Be Prepared Financially

There are many ways to be prepared and equip2live in the event of a disaster. One area prudent people are concerned about is the state of our currency and the magnitude of the rising national debt. In addition, the problems of Greece are threatening Europe and may have a backlash on the U.S. economy soon.

Many people are frustrated because they do not have extra discretionary funds that can be used to convert some of their cash into silver and gold. Mr. James Wesley Rawles is a well known survivalist and he offers practical advice on one easy way to prepare for the future likelihood that the dollar will be devalued and inflation will run rampant in our country. Check out the link below and read Mr. Rawles informative article. He explains a practical, easy prepardness step we can all do. So be purposeful and start saving your nickels today!

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